EXHIBITIONS / Modern Vices. Ceesepe 1973-1983

31 May, 2019 - 22 September, 2019
La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Elsa Fernández-Santos

This exhibition will revisit a very specific period in Ceesepe’s production, primarily focused on the visual language of comics and cartoons. Before becoming the painter who discovered poetry in the back streets of Madrid, Ceesepe was a precocious, tenacious and brilliant comic book artist. Although active in the comic world for barely ten years, his influence and resonance transcended that relatively short period, and today, decades later, his work is held up as a unique mirror of life in the aftermath of Franco’s death and the end of the dictatorship. This crucial period in the history of Spain is impossible to understand without the stimulus triggered by underground "comix". The comic books created by Rrollo in Barcelona and the Cascorro Factory in Madrid were two of the focal points of a movement that brought together young people with different sensibilities. Chief among them was a Madrid artist who had developed an original instinct for drawing as a teenager.

(...) Most of the originals, photographs and notebooks, many of them school exercise books, that are featured in the "Modern Vices: Ceesepe 1973-1983" exhibition were purchased from the artist by the Lafuente Archive. Together with La Casa Encendida, the archive worked hand in hand with the artist on this exhibition until he passed away in September 2018.

La Casa Encendida
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