COLLECTION / 1945-1989 / Spain / Centro de Cálculo

140 publications and documents.

In 1968, coinciding with the installation of the first electronic computer available for use by members of the public, the Centro de Cálculo at the Universidad de Madrid was founded, directed by the mathematician Florentino Briones. Within the institution the Seminarios de Análisis y Generación Automática de Formas (SAGAF) were created, bringing together painters, designers, musicians, architects and linguists, in addition to mathematicians and computer experts, to develop research programmes on the generation of computer-assisted plastic, linguistic, architectural and musical forms. The academic institution was a pioneer in its field globally and was very active in producing publications. Seminar participants included José Luis Alexanco, Manuel Barbadillo, Elena Asins, Eusebio Sempere, Enrique Salamanca, Ignacio Gómez de Liaño, Javier Seguí, Luis de Pablo, Emiliano del Cerro and Javier Maderuelo, among others.

Archivo Lafuente holds more than 100 items (magazines, correspondence, books, catalogues, bulletins, original works, leaflets, printed matter, etc.) related to the activity undertaken at the Centro de Cálculo by the likes of Manuel Barbadillo, J. L. Alexanco, Yturralde, Elena Asins, Sempere, Luis de Pablo and Javier Seguí, for example.




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