Helios Gómez
Días de ira, Berlin: Internationale Arbeiter-Assoziation, 1930
Ramón J. Sénder
1ª de acero. Documentos históricos, no. 3, Madrid: 5º regimiento, n.d. [1936?]
John Heartfield
Die Volks-Illustrierte, no. 26, Prague: s.n., 30 June 1937
John Heartfield
Die Volks-Illustrierte, no. 30, Prague: s.n., 28 June 1937
José Luis Rey Vila
Estampas de la Revolución Española. 19 de julio de 1936, s.l. [Barcelona?]: C. N. T. / F. A. I. / Talleres Grafos, 1936
Madrid, Barcelona: Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 1937
Las milicias de la cultura luchan contra el fascismo combatiendo la ignorancia, s.l.: Ministerio de Instrucción Publica, n.d. [1937?]. Poster
Madrid. The Military Practice of the Rebels, s.l. [Madrid?]: Ministerio de Propaganda, n.d. [1937?]. Poster
Defensa del Tesoro Artístico. Madrid 1938, Madrid: Junta Delegada de Incautación, Protección y Conservación, 1938
Álvaro de Albornoz
Nuestra España: revista mensual, no. 1, La Habana: s.n., October 1939
Juan Rejano
Romance. Revista popular hispanoamericana, 1st year, no. 2, Mexico, D. F.: Ibero Americana de Publicaciones, 15 February 1940
M. Mahyehko
¡Ánimo, compañeros!, Moscow: Biblioteca Orohek, 1936
Ilia Erenburg
¡No pasarán!, Buenos Aires: Pampa, 1938
Robert Capa, Gerda Taro
Death in the Making, New York: Covici Friede, 1938
Pablo Neruda; Pedro Olmos
España en el corazón. Himno a las glorias del pueblo en la guerra, Santiago de Chile: Ercilla, 1938
George Orwell
Homage to Catalonia, London: Secker and Warburg, 1938
Luis Quintanilla; Elliot Paul, Jay Allen, Ernest Hemingway
All the Brave, New York: Modern Age Books, 1939
Joan Miró
Aidez Espagne, 1937
Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Sueño y mentira de Franco, 1937
Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Sueño y mentira de Franco, 1937
Arturo Barea
Valor y miedo, Barcelona: Publicaciones Antifascistas de Cataluña, 1938
José Herrera Petere; Mauricio Amster
Acero de Madrid, Barcelona: Nuestro Pueblo, 1938
Constancia de la Mora
Doble esplendor, Mexico: Atlante, 1944
500 works of art, publications and documents.
The time of the Second Spanish Republic and Republican exile are the subject of a broadly-themed Archivo Lafuente collection, a selection of which was shown at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in the rooms devoted to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic at the 1937 Paris Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne, as part of its exhibition on the thirties (2012–2013).
The documentary materials that this themed collection brings together are of a remarkably varied in nature. Diverse documentation charts the Spanish art scene during the Republic, in which very active groups with links to the international scene stood out.
With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, opposition to it manifested in the form of magazines published either by the Republicans themselves or in favour of them, such as Nueva cultura. Información crítica y orientación intelectual (Valencia, 1935–1937), in addition to numerous books and essays published abroad in support of the Republican cause.
The archive also holds a large series of photomontages by John Heartfield: either published in left-wing magazines from the time, such as Die Volks-Illustrierte, or published in series, such as Fremdenlegionäre fern vom Schuss, in which Heartfield offered acerbic criticism of the role played by the international press in the Spanish conflict.
The cubist figuration albums of the illustrator and typographer Helios Gómez—such as the famous Días de ira—are also included in the collection. Archivo Lafuente brings together a vast amount of documentation published from exile, including books and complete series of magazines linked to the Republican diaspora, such as Nuestra España (Havana, 1939–1941) and España peregrina (Mexico, 1940).